Top 20 Best JavaScript Libraries You Should Know in 2022

Libraries provide many common functions so developers do not have to worry about too many common functions and can use libraries to easily create web pages using UI components, language resources, math functions, and more. JavaScript is an integral part of any web application, and it is only necessary to have these JavaScript libraries in hand for your need to save time and development time and have it all in one place.

Top 20 Javascript Libraries

If you want to learn how to use these JS Libraries, read this tutorial blog with details on how to navigate by reading Javascript.

1. DOJO Tool Kit

Dojo is an open source JavaScript library that helps develop cross-platform, JS, and Ajax based websites faster. DOJO has a large collection of APIs and modules. There are a few components in the DOJO tool kit –

  • Dojo – contains basic modules
  • dijit – a user interaction module that helps to set the structure and widgets
  • Usage – includes building tools and tools for testing, style testing, and more.
  • dojox – this additional dojo toolkit helps with charts, grids, and DTL.

The modules in the DOJO are independent and lightweight. They can be loaded equally, which means a quick response. DOJO is easy to use and has a lot of community support and documentation.

2. jQuery

JQuery simplifies JS editing and is easy to read and use. It is very flexible and makes web pages load faster. JQuery includes many common functions that make the work of developers easier.

The JS code of several lines can be just the way it should be called jQuery. It also has many plugins for performing various tasks. Some of the features of jQuery are CSS tricks, HTML / DOM tricks, HTML events, animations and effects, resources, and AJAX.

The best part of jQuery is the way we handle browser compliance issues without the developer worrying about it. Some of the major IT companies such as Microsoft, Netflix, and Google use jQuery. It is not easy to install jQuery on web pages.

3. Google polymer

Created by Google, Polymer is a JS library that allows developers to reuse HTML elements and create custom features using HTML, CSS, and JS to create interactive applications. It is compatible with different forums.

Once you have installed Polymer using the command line interface or Bower method, you can reuse advanced features without having to worry about how they are created. You can also create your own custom features using polyfill i.e., the web component specification.

Custom items can be distributed across the network and can be easily used by importing the required HTML. To install and use Polymer, you must be familiar with node.js, npm, Bower, Git, and Polymer CLI.

4. JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit

If you want to create interactive and easy-to-integrate data visuals, InfoVis is the way to go. The Toolkit includes some of the most advanced features like Hypertree, TreeMap, RPraph, and more in addition to the usual Bar, Pie, Location, and more.

Using this set of tools is fun and useful. It can create beautiful graphics with color coding with the necessary input information. You can get a lot of results without making any additional code.

You can download the visuals you want instead of the whole package, making it less cluttered on web pages. Since this toolkit is for data recognition, you may think it is useful for data analysts; However, you need coding experience to use it.

5. D3.js

D3 stands for Data Driven Documents. With D3, you can use a data-driven switch to DOM objects. The keyword with D3 is ‘data driven,’ meaning that the text is manipulated depending on the data received.

Data can be accessed in any format and bundled with DOM objects. D3 is very fast and supports flexible animation and interaction behavior.

There are many advanced modules that provide a place to reuse the code. D3 is flexible and uses full HTML, SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), and CSS capabilities. D3 code is easy to fix as it uses the built-in browser browser to show the way.

As D3 uses the advertising method, it keeps the developer multiple lines of code. D3.js is one of the most widely used JS tools from now on.

6. Pixi.js

Pixi js can create amazing digital content. This open source 2D, cross-platform engine helps to create interactive, animated games and websites. Disney is one of the many big names that Pixi uses to create their digital content.

Pixi is a very fast rendering engine and uses WebGL in its functionality, but if WebGL is not supported, HTML can be used. Pixi is robust and straightforward as it hides the functionality of some of the more complex functions, ready to use the library. If you know Adobe flash, Pixi is the easiest thing to learn next.

7. SWFO title

This simple but powerful JS library is widely used to embed flash SWF files into HTML documents. It only supports SWF files, and no other media formats can be embedded using SWFObject. There are two options – flexible publishing and vertical publishing to add markups. Many popular websites like Microsoft, YouTube, and others use SWFObject.

In order to use this library, JS must be enabled in the user’s browser. SWFObject has many useful functions for performing various tasks such as working with DOM or identifying whether the latest version of flash player has been installed.

8. Three.js

Cross-browser JS library and API that allows for the creation of beautiful animations, Three.js relies on WebGL rather than the standard browser plugin. With its library resources, developers can install 3D animation on their website without much effort.

Three.js includes many features such as geometry, lighting, building materials, shadows, effects, scenes, data uploads, animation, and much more. The library is a single file of js. With the source code hosted on the GitHub repository, there is plenty of support and documentation available at Three.js

9. Velocity.js

Web animation has become a thing of the past with velocity.js. It is a fast engine that makes website images easier. Free, open source software. Speed ​​is faster (or higher) like CSS and jQuery, especially on mobile devices.

We can use animation sequences in a cleaner way, unlike jQuery or CSS, where we need more coding. Uber, WhatsApp, HTC, and many other websites use speed to enable their UI. Installing speed is easy – install JS file.

10. React js

React is easy to understand and uses the JS library to create user links for web applications (preview or MVC architecture model). React is maintained by Facebook and a few other companies.

React is transparent, efficient, and flexible enough to allow engineers to build sophisticated UI using existing pieces of code, also known as components. React is fast and scalable, which is why any changes to applications do not require the page to reload.

11. Vue.js

Vue js is based on the Virtual DOM model, which is similar to React, and has a component-based structure. By using Vue.js templates, applications can be created instantly. Vue also requires several lines of code for the same function that may require additional code and other libraries.

If you need a small app to be built in a short amount of time, Vue should be your perfect choice. By combining Vue with other tools and resources, you can get the full frame. As a framework, Vue can manage complex tasks such as routing, tool building, and state management.

12. WinJS

Developed by Microsoft, WinJS is an open source JS library that assists with the secure development of Windows versions of Windows 8 & 10 versions. Developers can download every single package or module they need to use.

WinJS has a wide set of APIs to perform simple and complex tasks, some of which have standard implementation (not specific Windows). WinJS provides high performance, a useful reading library with a variety of controls and features.

13. PHP

As the name suggests, JsPHP is a Javascript library of PHP API to be available in the JS domain. It is an open source and provides a compelling visual interface for JS developers working in PHP.

JsPHP can work in conjunction with other libraries in the application. JsPHP supports PHP functions, including common expressions, day time check, JSON, error management, object decryption, strings, XML, URL, and more.

14. Socket.IO

The most reliable library that allows two-way event-based communication between server and browser window. It has a node.js server and a browser client library.

It can detect disconnection and provide automatic connection support with other important features such as binary support, channel support, and duplicate support.

15. MathJAX

MathJAX, in fact with its name, is a javascript libraries that can display statistics and use tags like LaTeX, ASCIIMAthML, and MathML. MathJAX well represents statistics in different browsers. It is fully accessible and reusable and produces HTML, CSS, SVG, or MathML output. It has a rich API. Since MathJAX does not use bitmap or flash images, developers do not need any code or code.

16. Blocking

Blockly, Google’s creator, is a web-based visual program editor. When added to a code, the library adds an editor to an app that represents code captions like loops, expressions, variables, and more like blocks.

The best part is that you can create a custom code, and the output is accurate with your choice of editing language. Blockly has no reliance on the server side; is a completely independent client library. Blockly helps to gain computer information thanks to its drag and drop editor.

17. Modernizr

Modernizr provides feature detection i.e., tells you the features JS, HTML, and CSS your browser has. This helps to identify and avoid pre-existing factors. Whether a feature is present or not is determined using the Boolean element against each element to be tested.

For example, if the browser supports WebSockets, the ‘Modernizr.websockets’ compatible property is real. There are over 250 features that can be explored using this library.

18. Verge3D

In addition to the Verge3D tool kit, developers can create beautiful 3D visuals for websites, for example, puzzles, UI and website layouts, animations, AR / VR, and much more. Removing an artist from your screen is easy as Verge3D interacts, and you do not have to be an expert at coding.

In addition, the tool kit uses realistic colors and PBR materials to give you the best 3D web experience. Verge3D uses WebGL to provide. Verge3D has been used by NASA to create a 3D visual landscape of Mars Lander.

19. Anime.js

One of the best animated libraries that makes amazing animation easy, Anime.js is lightweight and comes with a clean but powerful API. With Anime, time plays an important role, and you can set different CSS elements at different times in the same place, and the feature goes as smoothly as each change. Anime works with SVG, CSS, HTML, DOM, and JS objects.

20. Parsley

We spend a lot of time verifying the advanced form of websites that require users to fill out details. Parsley Library makes this form of verification process easier. It detects changes in form data and corrects power verification, giving results almost immediately. All you have to do is write the form verification requirements in your HTML. Parsley has UX-type variants that can be customized. Parsley is free, open source, and very reliable.

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