9 Best CSS Frameworks for Developers in 2022

Can you imagine web development without CSS? Sounds dark to us! Cascading Style Sheets, more commonly known as CSS, offers different styles for your web pages or HTML features. You can control the layout of multiple web pages with a single style element or write custom CSS for various elements.

All CSS components are stored in .css files. As the value of a web page grows, so does the style, and your CSS file becomes larger over time. Also, there are a few different types of CSS already. When more people are working on a project, it becomes difficult to manage who has changed what styles, thus creating random code. But what is a CSS framework?

CSS frameworks are ready-to-use CSS style sheets or CSS libraries with pre-coded web designs that give web developers some flexibility, as it saves them some work on code development. Different frameworks are useful for different project needs, and each has its own unique features.

You may want to read CSS Cheat Sheet to get a quick brushing of your CSS ideas.

Why Do We Need CSS Frameworks?

In addition to saving time in coding, here are some of the key benefits of having a CSS framework:

  • Contrasting browser compatibility
  • Symmetrical structures
  • Stable and durable device
  • Great ways to design a web
  • High productivity and speed of development

CSS Frameworks top 2022

1. Tailwind CSS: Beginner-friendly, Easy CSS Framework

Tailwind enables fast front-end development. Instead of the default themes or built-in UI components, you will get pre-designed widget menus and function classes to build your website. Tailwind has modular components, and if you make changes in one area, other parts of your code will not be affected. Tailwind requires a small amount of learning and is easy to use. You can customize your website using Tailwind CSS helper classes.

Key Features:

  • It is the first used type of study framework.
  • It gives you the flexibility and freedom to choose the design of your website.
  • Detailed texts for each class allow you to search for what you need easily.(i.e.,Grid,Flexbox, etc.).
  • More production and smaller package size.
  • There is no naming or change of context, that is, switching between HTML and CSS to see changes.
  • You can reuse code beautifully with the Components feature.

Ideal: Small businesses and beginners

Github Link: https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss

Try Tailwind

2. Bootstrap is one of the most well-known CSS frameworks in the world and gained instant popularity due to its responsive design. It was also the first framework to prioritize mobile devices. With Bootstrap, there is no need for a separate mobile viewing design. You just need to add the required classes, and the website will adjust the screen size based on the device. The grid was introduced on Bootstrap, which resulted in a significant reduction in the code the developer had to write.

Key Features:

  • Compatible with all browsers – no need to write browser-specific code that allows for faster prototyping.
  • The most widely used CSS framework with extensive community support,
  • Built-in components such as navigation, forms, cards, buttons, badges, etc.
  • Good JavaScript components with a custom CDN.
  • It’s free to use – and version 4.5 has pre-configured properties and responses.
  • It is usable.

Ideal: People and businesses want both user friendliness and high power to customize.

Github Link: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap

Try Bootstrap

3. Foundation: Open-Source, Advanced UI Framework

3. One of the most advanced and sophisticated UI frameworks, Foundation allows for rapid website development. Like Bootstrap, Foundation follows the original mobile approach and is fully responsive. Ideal for large web applications that require a lot of style. The base is customizable, flexible, and semantic. Also, there are more than 2k contributors to Github and decent social support.

Key Features:

  • Easy to use.
  • A complete pre-loaded frame with useful tools, rather than just a CSS framework.
  • Comes with a command line interface (CLI) interface to integrate Basic sources into CSS that can be used in HTML extensions.
  • It was founded by ZURB but is now maintained by volunteers.
  • Flexible, modular, and flexible.
  • Provides many JavaScript options and plugins like tooltips, alerts, carousels, downloads, proxy, cookies, etc.
  • Flexible navigation patterns maintain multiple lines of code, improving productivity.

Ideal: Advanced engineers who value privacy (open source).

Github Link: https://github.com/foundation/foundation-sites

Try Foundation

4. Bulma: Free and Modern CSS Frameworks

4. Although new, Bulma quickly climbed the list of top 10 CSS frames. It does not have JavaScript components (no .js) and more readable CSS classes. To create grids, Bulma has a powerful system known as tiles, which makes the page neat and tidy. Very modular and easy to read. Although small, Bulma has a community of people who like to change the CSS environment of websites.

Key Features:

  • Designed design with flexible SaaS features that make it easy even for beginners.
  • Various framework also comes with typography, tables, components for direct alignment, media objects, layout, etc.
  • Free and open source (MIT License).
  • Flexbox-based, so the creation of vertical and grid objects is not easy.
  • As a modular, you do not need to import everything – only import the components used for your project.
  • Contains activities to help calculate colors, appearance, space, etc.

Ready: Emerging budding engineers.

Github Link: https://github.com/jgthms/bulma

Try Bulma

5. UI Kit: Fast Front-End Framework

The UI Kit has a complete collection of CSS, HTML, and JS components. Modular and simple. Used for iOS app development, UIKit is one of the leading CSS frameworks.

You can customize your app to any level with this framework. Contains all the important components such as labels, buttons, table views, etc. There are many themes ready for use, and you can use them using the corresponding SASS file or LESS CSS.

Key Features:

  • Comes with many pre-built features like animation, Iconnav, padding, warning, accordion, etc.
  • Clean and minimal design with modern interface.
  • The system is self-contained and takes more effort to expand or repair (compared to other components).
  • Easy to set up.
  • Free framework and open source that works on any browser.

Ready: An immediate engineer who needs a user-friendly interface.

Github Link: https://github.com/uikit/uikit

Try UIKit

6. Materialize: The Colorful CSS Framework

6. Created by Google in 2014, Materialize is a responsive UI framework for Android websites and apps. Provides many ready-to-use materials, classes, and original templates. It is compatible with Sass and has a responsive structure based on the 12-column Bootstrap grid format. The best part? Its wide colors. So, if you want to work with Material Design (Google design language) and create Google-like effects on your website, Materialize CSS will be the best choice for you.

Key Features:

  • It is easy to interact and focuses on user experience using the principles of physical design.
  • Better built-in images and transitions to accelerate development.
  • Lots of themes and colors.
  • Elegant padding with depth effects like light and shade.
  • Materialize requires jQuery only (unlike Bootstrap, which requires popper.js) and provides everything Bootstrap offers – colors, shadows, grid, tables, badges, cards, chips, navbar bar , etc.

Ideal: Colorful, intelligent designer.

Github Link: https://github.com/Dogfalo/materialize

Try Materialize

7. Skeleton: Simplicity and No Frills

7. As the name suggests, Skeleton is a simple framework. If your website is small and straightforward, Skeleton provides the required collection of CSS items to speed up your development. Provides minimal style forms, tabs, buttons, etc. You get responsive grid, Vanilla CSS, and media queries for your project without the hassle of major frameworks. It is a great framework for beginners who want to learn CSS and quickly create beautiful but straightforward websites.

Key Features:

  • A small frame with only 400 lines of source code.
  • Easy to learn and focused on mobile with limited but important features like grids, buttons, typing, lists, forms, code, etc. installed.
  • Like a boilerplate there is a full frame.
  • No installation or integration required – it provides a quick start for newcomers.

Ready: Small projects.

Github Link: https://github.com/dhg/Skeleton

Try Skeleton

8. Pure: Compact CSS

8. With only 3.7 KB minified, Pure is the most integrated CSS framework around. In all CSS frameworks, Pure will help you create an amazing CSS code without sacrificing space. You can add pure-min.css with a free unpkg CDN to your code to use Pure. You can also install Pure using package manager like npm, Grunt, etc.

Key Features:

  • 3.7 KB only in size (minified), the smallest best CSS frames, and is perfect if you need a small set of CSS features.
  • You can customize your own features and styles on top of the existing ones provided by default.
  • Contains a mobile-first and responsive grid system that uses CSS turn grid.
  • It does not support fixed structure, unlike Bootstrap.
  • It is easy to customize as it has limited features and does not require integration

Ready: Stable engineers in space.

Github Link: https://github.com/pure-css/pure

Try Pure

9. Semantic UI: One of the Best HTML CSS Frameworks

9. Semantic has a different concept – it creates a shared vocabulary in the UI. Semantic is based on the Principles of Natural Language and gives developers more flexibility by making the code readable and understandable. Along with CSS elements, Semantic integrates HTML and debugging elements, and allows you to define features, views, modules, collections, and behavior of UI elements. It is responsive and easy to use.

Key Features:

  • It is accessible.
  • Extensive and well-organized documentation for all sections.
  • Ideal for those with a basic understanding of JavaScript.
  • More than 3,000 flexible themes and 50 UI components that allow for deep customization.
  • Strong coding principles compared to other CSS frameworks.
  • It can be easily integrated with third-party libraries such as Angular, React, and many other popular frameworks so that you can edit the application mind and UI components together

Ready: HTML websites


There are many CSS frameworks, but we have selected the best and most important CSS frameworks for 2022. Of the 10, we will not say which one is the best, as each has its own set of features. By choosing the right CSS framework for your needs, all complex and time-consuming styles are taken care of, and you can focus on writing a business mindset.

If you are just starting out with CSS and UI, visit Tacit, Pure, or Skeleton. However, in order to build complex objects, you will need an inclusive framework such as Foundation, Tailwind, or Bootstrap. You can find an easy learning curve with Bulma or Semantic UI.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which Is the Best CSS Framework?

That depends on the website you’re looking to build. The most popular CSS framework, however, is Bootstrap.

2. What Is a CSS Framework?

A CSS framework is a library of CSS stylesheets with pre-done code to help you design websites faster.

3. Why Do CSS Frameworks Use Preprocessors?

CSS frameworks use preprocessors to automate tasks.

4. Which Files Do You Need for CSS Frameworks?

You need CSS files from respective frameworks and sometimes JavaScript and HTML files.

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