8 Simple (But Important) Types Of Data Structure To Remember

In general, there are different types of data structures around us. From the many types of Data structures, we will work on a specialized computer-assisted editing and storage system, where we can efficiently use and store data. With standard types of data structure, we have a large scope of application in Computer Science and Engineering.

Structured data types are used across all type of software and software programs for development. They all come from basic computer science and software engineering. When it comes to knowledge of different data structures, developers should make things better with their knowledge.

They usually work with other data structures, and everything they do is organized by data structure. When software developers need to undertake any interview, they have to go through the usual types of data structures. So, it is a common truth for them. Having a good understanding of what data structures are will get you where you work.

Common Types of Data Structures

We’ll talk about a lot of things, in which we will talk about computer science data structure, the basics of data structure, data structure plans, and the fullness of what data structure is. Some common types of data structures are given below.


It is a fixed size structure and the same type of data. There may also be whole numbers, strings, matching members, and floating point numbers. With the same members identified, you can access them randomly as well.

Array Operations

You can easily search, update and cut members’ tasks by command. You can do a lot with arrays. Arrows set in size; you may not delete any element or insert any element.

To do that, you need to create the same new members of the same size, where you can add something. This way, you can delete another similar member.

Use of Array

  • It can create blocks to make data structures, such as piles, hash tables, vectors, list of similar members, and matrices.
  • They are used for algorithms such as filtering, quick filtering, merging filtering, and bubble filtering.

Linked List

It is a sequential structure in which a sequence of objects is linked to another. Here you will have access to the data, and having a random access point is not possible. The linked list provides a clear picture of the dynamic sets. So here we are going to talk about linked lists, they are the same.

  • The linked list of elements is called nodes.
  • Each node has a key, and there is a follower node called the next.
  • Characteristics named as head points are the first factor.
  • The last element in the linked list is called the tail.

There are many different types of linked lists such as:

  • One linked list
  • Double linked list
  • Circle Links Lists

There are linked list functions:

  • Search
  • Enter
  • Delete

There is a linked list and applications are

  • They are used as a table control for symbols in the production of the composer
  • They are used to switch between programs using Alt + Tab


Typically, a stack is called a LIFO, in which the object placed in the last position can be reached first. When it is commonly found in programming languages, it is referred to as a stack as a real world stack.

Stack Operations

There are two different important stack functions that are frequently used:

  • Push
  • Pop

Some additional functions are used here.

  • Peek
  • isEmpty
  • isFull

Stack applications

They use it to test speech – mathematical expressions.
It is used to make activity calls in multiplication programs.

The Queue

The line is another excellent example of the FIFO structure available in many editing languages. It is called a queue as people wait in line.

Queue Operations

There are two main types of work performed on the line, which are-

  • Enqueue
  • Dequeue
Apply in a queue
  • They are used to manage threads in multithreading.
  • It helps to create a queuing system.

Hash Tables

The data structure has values ​​in it as the key to each other. It also applies to the value in them. It also inserts and searches for data size. Here, direct speech helps to get a personal map with values ​​and keys.

If there are too many keyword pairs, there will be so many records in the table ad that it is not possible for a normal computer to resolve. To save this situation, we need hash tables.


The Hash (h) function is a specific function to overcome the problems of compiling and opening an address.

Applications are:
  • Use website references
  • Use matching arrays
  • Use a data structure set


It is a unique structure in which data is organized systematically and linked together. It differs from a linked list, where it is connected in line order. There are different types of trees where they work as applications and meet certain challenges.

Binary Search Trees

This is called BST, the data here is organized as a sequential structure, and shows the values ​​stored in a fixed sequence. It also has the following attributes:

  • The key
  • On the left
  • All right
  • p

In binary search, the tree shows properties that are different from other trees. This area is called binary search tree property.

Tree Applications
  • Binary Trees
  • Binary search tree
  • Lots
  • Traps


Generally, Heap is called the special care of a binary tree where parent nodes are compared to valued children and are properly organized. Now we can see how we can represent the masses; here they are used as a system. Binary Heap is used as a binary tree and list.

There are two types:
  • A small pile
  • Max Heap
Application of Heaps are:
  • Used in heapsort algorithm
  • Used to use key lines
  • Que functions are used with bulk
  • Used to find the minimum value in a given list


Typically, a graph consists of a limited set of vertices or nodes and a series of edges that connect their vertices. In graph layout, there are a number of vertices there. Graph size is a few edges here. Here the two notes are said to be close and connected.

There are targeted graphs

  • Self Loops

Non-targeted graphs

And there are different types of graph applications as well.

Final Words

We’ve talked a lot about program issues; these are the basics. Now we have better ideas, and the new editor starts with his foundation and gradually moves on. Here you will find a complete view, and from Bitbytesoft we also train new programmers for them first.

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