TypeScript vs JavaScript: Best for Developers in 2022

JavaScript is everywhere available online. As the most widely used writing language in many web projects, it has been the gateway language for many. But it is not the only one of its kind.

TypeScript, the open source editing language, is suitable for most large applications. It was developed by Microsoft in 2012, largely because the JavaScript code was too complex to manage when it came to large applications.

This TypeScript vs JavaScript head-to-head comparison will look for similarities and differences between the two.

TypeScript vs JavaScript: Outstanding

  • JavaScript is best suited for smaller applications, while TypeScript is better suited for larger applications.
  • TypeScript supports vertical typing but JavaScript does not support it.
  • TypeScript supports interface but JavaScript does not support it.
  • TypeScript includes prototyping but JavaScript does not.
  • JavaScript supports browsing code, but TypeScript does not support it.
  • TypeScript supports modules but JavaScript does not support them.
  • In TypeScript, errors can be detected and corrected during integration; in JavaScript, eros can only be detected during operation as it is a translated language.
  • Tasks may have optional parameters in TypeScript, but not JavaScript.

Differences Between JavaScript and TypeScript

Differences between JavaScript and TypeScript can be boiled down to a few features. That is what we describe below.

What is JavaScript?

Developed by Netscape in partnership with Sun Microsystems, JavaScript is one of the most popular basic technologies on the web. Since its inception, it has been an integral part of web applications that make web pages interactive and flexible. It is an advanced language, with a combination of JIT (Just-in-Time) and flexible typing.

For a long time, JS was the only client side use, but some new JS engines also had server side usage. JS syntax is similar to Java, as are standard libraries. As a starting point, JS is the best writing language you can learn. You can check out some JavaScript courses for more information.

Companies using TypeScript include Microsoft, Google, PayPal, Netflix, and Uber.

Some of the unique features of JavaScript are:

  • Flexible, dynamic, and cross-platform
  • It is used for both client side and server side
  • Lightweight is translated
  • It is supported by all browsers
  • Weak typed

JIT integration

javascript vs typescript

What is TypeScript?

In fact, all of your JavaScript code is also valid for TypeScript – which means TypeScript is a great JavaScript set – just JavaScript with additional features. So, if you save your JavaScript (.js) file with the TypeScript (.ts) extension, it will work best. But that does not mean that TypeScript and JavaScript are the same.

TypeScript is no different from JavaScript for its purpose but is used for development of large applications. TypeScript trans compiles (source integration source) to JavaScript. It follows the structure of object-focused programming language and supports features such as classes, links, word spaces, and asset. Strict typing is possible in TypeScript using type annotations (numbers, character unit and boolean).

TypeScript is strictly written. This makes it easier to correct error (during integration) which is a very effective way to document large projects. TypeScript programs usually include modules, functions, variables, comments, speeches, and statements – just like any other full programming language.

When the code becomes larger, more complex to handle, and more prone to errors, it is best if errors are caught during compilation itself. This is where TypeScript helps.

Companies using TypeScript include Microsoft, Slack, Medium, and Accenture.

Some of the outstanding features of TypeScript are:

  • It is easy to maintain and improves project production.
  • Vertical typing and annotations are possible.
  • Supports object-focused features such as interface, asset, and classes.
  • It is easy to fix the error and get the error early.
  • Supports ES6 (ECMAScript) which provides easy syntax for managing assets and assets.
  • Good full IDE support.
typescript vs javascript

TypeScript vs JavaScript: Head-to-Head Comparison

Superset of JavaScript developed to overcome code complexity for large projects.A scripting language that helps create dynamic web page content.
Errors can be found and corrected during compile time.Errors can be found only during run-time as it is an interpreted language.
Strongly typed, supports both static and dynamic typing.Weakly typed, no option for static typing.
Converted into JavaScript code to be understandable for browsers.Can be directly used in browsers.
Since it is a superset, all the JavaScript libraries, and other JavaScript code works without any changes.JS libraries work by default.
There is support for ES3, ES4, ES5 and ES6.No support for compiling additional ES3, ES4, ES5 or ES6 features.
Supports modules, generics and interfaces to define data.No support for modules, generics or interface.
Functions can have optional parameters.Functions cannot have optional parameters.
Example code:
function multiply (a, b) { return a*b; } var result = multiply(a, b); console.log(‘The answer is - ’ + result);
Example code:
<script> function multiply (a, b) { return a*b; } var result = multiply(a, b); document.write (‘The answer is – ’ + result); </script>
Numbers and strings are considered as interfaces.Number and string are objects.
Powerful and intuitive language for large projects.Neat and clean, most suitable for simple web applications.
Community support is still growing.Huge community support with lots of documentation and support for solving issues.
Prototyping is possibleNo support for prototyping.
Takes time to learn and code, scripting knowledge is a must.Can be learned on the go, no prior scripting experience is needed.
Proper build setup (npm package) is required for static type definitionsNo build setup is required.


As we have already decided, JavaScript is most appropriate if your team is new and working on small web projects. If you have a team with good knowledge and experience and want to manage a complex project, going to TypeScript is a good choice.

There is no need to limit yourself to anything when it comes to TypeScript or JavaScript. The differences in TypeScript vs JavaScript are not as numerous as you think, or those differences may be significant.

That being said, if you are looking for a learning curve and job opportunities, TypeScript has a JavaScript edge. TypeScript developers are paid an average salary of $ 148,000 per year and JS developers are generally paid around $ 110,000 per year.

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