VS Code Cheat Sheet for Beginners in 2023

Visual Studio Code, commonly referred to as VS Code, is a popular code editor used by developers worldwide. It’s an open-source, cross-platform code editor that supports various programming languages and frameworks. However, as a beginner, navigating through its features can be overwhelming, and you may end up wasting time figuring out simple tasks. This VS Code Cheat Sheet will serve as a quick reference guide for beginners to navigate through VS Code efficiently.

What is VS Code?

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight code editor that supports multiple programming languages, including JavaScript, Python, PHP, and C++. It’s an open-source tool that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.

VS Code has an intuitive user interface and supports several features that make coding easier, such as debugging, Git version control, and extensions.

Installing VS Code

To get started with VS Code, you need to install it on your machine. The installation process is straightforward and varies depending on the operating system you’re using.

  • For Windows users, download the executable file from the official website and follow the installation instructions.
  • For macOS users, download the DMG file and drag the app to the Applications folder.
  • For Linux users, download the appropriate package for your distribution and install it using your package manager.

VS Code Interface Overview

When you open VS Code, you’re presented with the interface, which consists of the following elements:

  • Title Bar: displays the name of the current file and the VS Code version.
  • Menu Bar: contains various options for configuring and customizing VS Code.
  • Explorer: shows the files and folders in the current workspace.
  • Sidebar: displays the current activity, such as debugging, extensions, or version control.
  • Editor: where you write your code.
  • Status Bar: shows the current cursor position, line and column numbers, and the programming language used in the current file.

Customizing the Interface

VS Code allows you to customize the interface to your preference. You can change the theme, font size, and color scheme, among other settings. To access the settings, click on the gear icon in the bottom left corner of the window.

Keyboard Shortcuts

VS Code supports several keyboard shortcuts that can help you navigate and perform tasks quickly. Here are some essential shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Shift + P: Open the command palette.
  • Ctrl + N: Create a new file.
  • Ctrl + O: Open a file.
  • Ctrl + S: Save a file.
  • Ctrl + F: Find and replace.
  • F5: Start debugging.
  • Ctrl + Shift + G: Open the source control view.

Basic Editing

Creating a New File

To create a new file in VS Code, click on the “New File” button in the Explorer or press “Ctrl + N” on your keyboard.

Saving a File

To save a file, click on the “Save” button in the top left corner of the window or press “Ctrl + S” on your keyboard.

Opening a File

To open a file in VS Code, click on the “Open File” button in the Explorer or press “Ctrl + O” on your keyboard. Then, navigate to the directory where the file is located, select it, and click “Open.”

Closing a File

To close a file in VS Code, click on the “Close Editor” button on the tab or press “Ctrl + F4” on your keyboard.

Searching and Replacing

VS Code has powerful searching and replacing capabilities that allow you to search for specific words or phrases in your code and replace them quickly. To search for a specific word or phrase, press “Ctrl + F” on your keyboard, and type in the search term. To replace a word or phrase, press “Ctrl + H” on your keyboard, and enter the search term and the replacement term.


VS Code has built-in debugging support for various programming languages. To start debugging, you need to set a breakpoint in your code, run the code in the debugger, and VS Code will stop at the breakpoint. From there, you can step through your code, examine variables, and watch expressions to find and fix bugs.

Version Control

VS Code has built-in support for Git version control, allowing you to track changes in your code and collaborate with others. The interface displays the Git status of your files, and you can commit, push, and pull changes using the built-in Git commands.


VS Code has a vast library of extensions that can help you customize and improve your workflow. You can install extensions from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace, which contains extensions for various programming languages, frameworks, and tools.


Snippets are pre-written pieces of code that you can insert into your code quickly. VS Code supports both built-in and custom snippets. To insert a snippet, type the shortcut and press “Tab” on your keyboard.


VS Code has an integrated terminal that allows you to run commands and scripts without leaving the editor. You can open the terminal by clicking on the “Terminal” button in the sidebar or pressing “Ctrl + `” on your keyboard.


VS Code allows you to customize various settings to your preference. You can access the settings by clicking on the gear icon in the bottom left corner of the window or pressing “Ctrl + ,” on your keyboard.

Command Palette

The Command Palette is a quick way to access various VS Code commands. To open the Command Palette, press “Ctrl + Shift + P” on your keyboard.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter issues while using VS Code, you can troubleshoot them by checking the following:

  • Ensure you have installed the required extensions for your programming language or framework.
  • Check the status bar for any warnings or errors.
  • Check the VS Code logs for any error messages.

VS Code Cheat Sheet of 2022

Editing 1

shift+ctrl+↵ – Insert line above
ctrl+↵ – Insert line below
shift+ctrl+K – Delete line
shift+alt+UP – Copy line up
shift+alt+DOWN – Copy line down
alt+UP – Move line up
alt+DOWN – Move line down

Editing 2

shift+ctrl+] – Unfold region
shift+ctrl+[ – Fold region
ctrl+[ – Outdent line
ctrl+] – Indent line
shift+ctrl+\ – Jump to matching bracket
alt+Z – Toggle word wrap
shift+alt+A – Toggle block comment
ctrl+/ – Toggle line comment
ctrl+Kctrl+J – Unfold all regions
ctrl+Kctrl+0 – Fold all regions
ctrl+Kctrl+] – Unfold all subregions
ctrl+Kctrl+[ – Fold all subregions

Multi-cursor / Selection 1

shift+ctrl+L – Select all occurrences of current selection
ctrl+I – Select current line
shift+alt+I – Insert cursor at end of each line selected
ctrl+U – Undo last cursor operation
alt+ctrl+DOWN – Insert cursor below
alt+ctrl+UP – Insert cursor above

Multi-cursor / Selection 2

shift+alt+ctrl+LEFT – Column box selection left
shift+alt+ctrl+RIGHT – Column box selection right
shift+alt+ctrl+DOWN – Column box selection down
shift+alt+ctrl+UP – Column box selection up
shift+alt+LEFT – Shrink selection
shift+alt+RIGHT – Expand selection

Search / Replace 1

ctrl+Kctrl+D – Move last selection to next Find match
alt+↵ – Select all occurrences of Find match
ctrl+D – Add selection to next Find match
shift+F3 – Find previous
F3 – Find next
ctrl+H – Replace
ctrl+F – Find

Rich Languages Editing 1

alt+F12 – Peek definition
F12 – Go to definition
ctrl+Kctrl+F – Format selection
shift+alt+F – Format document
shift+ctrl+[SPACE] – Trigger parameter hints
ctrl+[SPACE] – Trigger suggestion

Rich Languages Editing 2

ctrl+KM – Change file language
ctrl+Kctrl+X – Trim trailing whitespace
F2 – Rename symbol
shift+F12 – Show references
ctrl+. – Quick fix
ctrl+KF12 – Open definition to the side

ctrl+M – Toggle tab moves focus
alt+RIGHT – Go forward
alt+LEFT – Go back
shift+F8 – Go to previous error or warning
F8 – Go to next error or warning
shift+ctrl+M – Show problems panel
shift+ctrl+O – Go to symbol…
ctrl+P – Go to file…
ctrl+G – Go to line…

Editor Management

ctrl+3 – Focus into 3rd editor window
ctrl+2 – Focus into 2nd editor window
ctrl+1 – Focus info 1st editor window
ctrl+\ – Split editor
ctrl+KF – Close folder


Visual Studio Code is an excellent code editor for beginners and professionals alike. This cheat sheet provides a quick reference guide to help you navigate through VS Code efficiently. With its powerful features and vast library of extensions, you can customize VS Code to your preference and improve your coding workflow.


1. Is VS Code free to use?

Yes, VS Code is free and open-source.

2. Can I use VS Code for web development?

Yes, VS Code supports various programming languages and frameworks used in web development.

3. How do I install extensions in VS Code?

You can install extensions from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace or the Extensions view in VS Code.

4. Can I customize the VS Code interface?

Yes, you can customize the VS Code interface by changing the theme, font size, and color scheme, among other settings.

5. Does VS Code have built-in debugging support?

Yes, VS Code has built-in debugging support for various programming languages.

6. Can I run commands and scripts within VS Code?

Yes, VS Code has an integrated terminal that allows you to run commands and scripts without leaving the editor.

7. How do I troubleshoot issues in VS Code?

You can troubleshoot issues in VS Code by checking the required extensions, status bar, and VS Code logs for error messages.

8. Can I customize shortcuts in VS Code?

Yes, you can customize shortcuts in VS Code by accessing the Keyboard Shortcuts settings.

9. Can I collaborate with others using VS Code?

Yes, VS Code has built-in support for Git version control, allowing you to collaborate with others and track changes in your code.

10. Is it easy to learn and use VS Code?

Yes, VS Code has an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for beginners to learn and use.

In conclusion, the VS Code cheat sheet for beginners in 2023 provides a comprehensive guide to help beginners navigate through the code editor efficiently. With its powerful features, customization options, and vast library of extensions, VS Code is an excellent tool for developers to improve their workflow and productivity. By mastering the shortcuts, searching and replacing, debugging, version control, extensions, snippets, terminal, settings, and command palette features, you can become a proficient VS Code user in no time.

Comment down your Favorite shortcut you use daily. So here I can mentioned that important VS Code Cheat Sheet of 2022.

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